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An incredible 27-hour dataset of Messier 78 full of HA, dust, and dark lanes!


This raw astrophotography dataset was captured from our telescope under Bortle 2 skies. It totals 27 hours of integration time, and is an awesome dataset for both beginners and advanced! Beginners will enjoy revealing the M78 nebula, which appears bright and defined especially if you choose to make it against a dark background. Advanced astrophotographers will be able to reveal all the dust and HA present in the background, which is almost overwhelming as it surrounds M78!


Equipment used:

  • Camera: ZWO ASI2600MC
  • Telescope: Celestron RASA 8
  • Mount: 10Micron GM1000 HPS
  • Filters: N/A

M78 - Practice Data

  • Color