Our Story
Antoine & Dalia Grelin, Galactic Hunter
Hey there!
We are Antoine and Dalia - the duo behind Galactic Hunter. We're a couple based in Las Vegas, Nevada, and we take pictures of space together! It didn't happen overnight, but our love of astronomy unexpectedly transformed our lives.
We were just hobbyists posting about our progress online, and folks resonated with that. The outpour of support and countless messages for advice kept us excited and busy. Eventually, it led to us quitting our traditional jobs to create content full-time, specifically to help people learn astrophotography.
Galactic Hunter started in 2016; since then, we have grown as a brand and received awards and recognition in online and print publications. We love what we do - we have a passion for astrophotography, so it's all the more rewarding.
GH has been deeply woven into our married and professional lives. It is our life. Honestly, we wouldn't have it any other way! Astrophotography has brought a lot of happiness, friends, opportunities, and exploration our way, so we'll continue for as long as we can.
Want more details about our story? Check out the post below to read our entries on astronomy as a couple.
Our Equipment
Editing Software: Pixinsight & Skylum Luminar Neo | Power: Jackery with Solar Panels
Disclosure: Some of the links on this website are affiliate links. This means that, at zero cost to you, we will earn an affiliate commission if you click through the link and finalize a purchase.
Galactic Hunter timeline
Started a passion for astrophotography with binoculars on a dusty road outside of Las Vegas, Nevada.
October - bought our first full astrophotography rig.
Launched Galactic Hunter in February, and posted our first YouTube video in May - Ep #1 - Trailer.
Began creating astrophotography content (blogs, books, videos) regularly outside of our retail jobs and college studies.
Witnessed our first solar eclipse (under cloud cover...)
Published The Astrophotographer's Guidebook.
Invited to CES and saw the first smart telescopes.
Worked diligently toward monetizing our passion for astrophotography for a future without a 9 to 5.
Antoine invited by NASA to attend his first rocket launch for SpaceX at the Kennedy Space Center.
Antoine quit his job to do astrophotography full-time.
Dalia started a career in digital marketing.
Announced the pre-order of our astrophotography course, the Galactic Course.
Road trip around the American Southwest for our 7th wedding anniversary. Best trip ever.
Visited (our hero) Charles Messier's grave in Paris and pitched the Charles Messier Grave Cleanup Project online.
Found a dog in the desert. Took her home. The sweetest girl with stars in her eyes. We named her Stella.
Crowdfunded the Messier Project and funded the grave's cleanup for 25 years. All thanks to the Astro community!
Installed our first remote astrophotography rig at Utah Desert Remote Observatories.
Dalia quit her corporate marketing career to join Antoine and work on Galactic Hunter full-time!
Created the Galactic Show - to connect with other prominent astrophotographers.
Received our first-ever APOD with a group (Deep Sky Collective) and another APOD by ourselves!
Installed a second remote astrophotography rig at Astronomy Acres in New Mexico.
Stepped back from YouTube to focus on enhancing our Astrophotography course: the Galactic Course.
Nous sommes toujours heureux de voir vos J'Aime, vos commentaires ou vos partages et savons que nous avons une communauté vraiment mature et excellente.
Chaque vidéo de Chasseur Galactique prend énormément de temps à écrire, planifier, filmer et éditer, en particulier les épisodes principaux. Nous faisons de notre mieux pour faire de plus en plus de vidéos, mais c’est tout simplement impossible sans s'y consacrer à temps plein. Chose impossible pour nous financièrement. En plus de cela, l'astrophotographie est un passe-temps très coûteux. Antoine a un travail à plein temps mais Dalia tente toujours de terminer ses études. Nous avons essayé d’économiser suffisamment d’argent pour mettre à niveau notre équipement (en particulier pour une caméra CCD, mais également pour un deuxième télescope avec une ouverture différente, ce qui nous permettait de moins limiter les cibles que nous pouvons capturer). Nous avons mis de l'argent de côté avant même d'avoir lancé Chasseur Galactique, mais nous n'arrivons simplement pas à économiser assez pour une upgrade conséquente. Enfin, nous n’avons malheureusement pas de maison, mais un appartement sans jardin. Chaque image exige que nous conduisions une heure dans le désert, que nous passions une heure à préparer, pour enfin faire une image, puis le même temps pour revenir. Nous le faisons des centaines de fois et le coût de l’essence s’accumule assez rapidement.
Si vous souhaitez nous soutenir davantage et nous aider à mettre à niveau notre équipement, créer plus de vidéos et capturer des images du ciel profond de qualité supérieure, vous pouvez le faire en devenant un tipeur de Chasseur Galactique sur Tipeee (découvrez les récompenses géniales pour chaque niveau !). Ou vous pouvez faire un petit don via Paypal. Quoi qu'il en soit, 100% de l'argent sera utilisé pour créer un meilleur contenu.
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PixInsight Guides
Step-by-Step Tutorials
Get access to step-by-step guides to help you process astrophotos in PixInsight.​
Beginner, Nebula, Galaxy, and Comet guides available.
Galactic Course
Membership for Life!
Become a member (one-time fee) and get lifetime access to a library of resources and lessons to learn or improve your skills in astrophotography.
Consulting Services
1-on-1 Time With Us
Astrophotography services include:​
Online Consulting
Image Processing
On-the-Field Training
Remote Imaging
Astronomy Books
Digital & Physical
Over the years, we've created astronomy and astrophotography books to accompany you on long nights. They also make​ great gifts!
Affiliate Links
Buy Gear From Links
Ready to buy gear? Start your search from one of our links. When you complete a purchase, we receive a small commision at no extra cost to you. Win-Win!​
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You don't have to make a purchase to make a difference. You can support us by sharing blogs, web pages, videos, photos, and tagging us.
Type your message in the box to the left. ​
We get a lot of emails so we apologize in advance if are unable to get back to you quickly. We do our best to reply to everyone but prioritize Patreon supporters and members of the Galactic Course.
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