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Whether you are a complete beginner in astrophotography or not, PixInsight will cross your path eventually. If extremely detailed tutorials make you nervous, don't worry, you may have hit the goldmine.


We have created several free resources that are easy to follow, straight to the point, and they are all conveniently found on this page! 


This is a continuously updated page and is not kept in a specific order. You will find the most recent entries at the top. Don't forget to bookmark this page to come back to later.

pixinsight nebula processing

PixInsight Paid Services

Continue scrolling to find free PixInsight processing help. Before you do, consider getting additional assistance with paid help options. Below are three ways we can support each other:

Galactic Course Membership


Join our astrophotography through an Ultimate Bundle membership. It provides access to our PixInsight guides and courses. Enjoy learning from easy-to-follow course materials.

Astrophotography Processing Service


Feeling a bit stuck? If you would like Antoine to have a go at your data and process it to the best of his ability, consider using our astrophotography image processing services!

PixInsight Processing Workflows


Learn to edit your photos by following our PixInsight processing guides. Included are lessons, process icons, raw data, and walkthrough videos. View more options below.

PixInsight Processing Workflows

How to Create a Mosaic In PixInsight

Learn how to easily create Mosaics using PixInsight.


This tutorial shows you how to combine different deep sky panels into one mosaic image, in just three simple steps! Read our written guide or watch our tutorial video below.

How to Combine HA with RGB in Galaxies

Learn how to add Hydrogen Alpha (Ha) to an RGB color image in PixInsight.


This tutorial, made specifically for galaxies, will show you how you can easily combine your HA data with your RGB file in order to create an RGB-HA image. Adding HA in galaxies will reveal all the star-forming regions within a galaxy if there are any. Read our written guide or watch the video below!

How to Use Hydrogen Alpha as a Background

Learn how to use Hydrogen Alpha (Ha) as a background in PixInsight.


Hydrogen Alpha might be hidden all over your field of view. However, you won't know it unless you plan to capture Ha data. Sometimes it can be so rich that it can be implemented in the background of your image. Learn how to use HA as a background in the video tutorial below.

How to Remove Micro-Lens Artifacts in PixInsight

Learn how to remove Micro-Lensing Artifacts in PixInsight.


Micro-lens artifacts can occur if you are shooting a target with a bright star nearby and are using a One-Shot-Color (OSC) camera. These artifacts can be large and overwhelming but can be removed using a simple technique. Watch this video to learn how.

How to Process the Andromeda Galaxy

Learn how to process a galaxy from beginning to end with a PixInsight walkthrough.


In the video below, we process the Andromeda Galaxy in PixInsight. We go over processing the background, noise, adjust colors, and show you how to remove and re-apply the stars in your image.

PixInsight Vs. Photoshop to Process Astrophotography Images

Which software should you learn to process your astrophotography images, Photoshop or PixInsight?


In this video, we collaborate with a friend and process the exact same data. He uses Photoshop, and Antoine uses PixInsight. We then compare the results and talk about each software for astrophotography.

Using Starnet to Remove Stars from Your Image

StarNet V2 is now available on PixInsight!


In this tutorial, you will learn how to download and install the StarNet module the right way and launch it within PixInsight. You will learn how to get your first Starless image and get some tips on when is the best time to run the process in order to achieve the best results!

Wix Starnet++.jpg

Basic Tips to be More Efficient in PixInsight and Save Time

PixInsight is a complex software. Is there anything you can do to have a better experience with it?


Here are some tips to make PixInsight more friendly to use and save pre-sets in order to process your images faster. I'll mostly show you basic ways to enhance the dashboard, but I will also show you how to save all your favorite processes into one project that you can then load for all your future images!

PixInsight Dashboard tutorial

How to Combine Narrowband Files into a Bi-Color Image

How do you combine two narrowband channels into one bi-color image ready to be processed into PixInsight?


In this tutorial, we will show you how to quickly and easily combine Hydrogen Alpha and Oxygen III filters together in order to get a bi-color image ready to process. We will also show you several other examples of bicolor combinations using the Helix Nebula, the Pelican Nebula, and the Christmas Tree Cluster and Cone Nebula as examples.

PixInsight Bicolor combination tutorial

How to Combine Narrowband Files into One Color Image

Have you just purchased a cooled Astrophotography-dedicated monochrome camera and are unsure about how to merge all these black & gray files into one color photo?


This tutorial explains in just a few minutes how to easily combine Narrowband files in order to get a color image ready to process. We specifically show you how to map the channels in order to achieve a Hubble Palette image from Ha, SII, and OIII data.

Combine Narrowband channels into one color image PixInsight tutorial

Our Entire PixInsight Processing Workflow for Broadband Data (2019)

This is a three-part tutorial showing you exactly how we process all our astrophotography images, from beginning to end. As of today, we do not have a text version but you can find all three videos on our YouTube channel.


  • PART 1: Stacking & Drizzling

  • PART 2: Basic Image Processing Workflow

  • PART 3: Using Lightroom to Take off Artifacts

Galactic Hunter PixInsight Processing Workfow on M78

How to Combine Hydrogen Alpha to an RGB Image

Learn how to quickly combine Ha data with RGB data to make an HaRGB composite using PixInsight!​

This written tutorial also contains a full commented video walkthrough to help you stack Ha to RGB step by step from beginning to end.


You can read our text version or watch our 10-minute YouTube video. This should help you if you just purchased a Hydrogen-Alpha filter for your DSLR camera. This technique can also be used to add Ha to an LRGB image from a cooled monochrome camera.

PixInsight tutorial how to add Ha to an RGB image

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