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All you need to know to build the Perfect Astrophotography setup


Need help choosing a telescope, a camera, or a mount?

The guides below are updated yearly to ensure that all the information you learn and the equipment suggested are up to date!

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High Quality Optics

Looking for the perfect telescope? Read our full guide to find out which refractor or reflector telescope is right for you.

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DSLR, OSC, or Mono?

Learn all about astrophotography cameras and get our recommendations on the best current cameras for the price.

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Tracking the Sky

A telescope mount is very important to get clean images! Get our advice on the best mounts within you budget.


Want to know what we use to capture our astrophotography images? Go through the post below to find out what our current camera, telescope, mount and accessories are!

DSLR Beginner Guide for Astrophotography


Want to know what we use to capture our astrophotography images? Go through the post below to find out what our current camera, telescope, mount and accessories are!

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We have also made two different videos showing you both a beginner DSLR astrophotography rig, as well as an advanced telescope setup with a monochrome camera and high-end mount. We go over each piece telling you what they are for and what their price is!


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